Thursday, September 8, 2022

It's been a while since I have written on this blog.

A lot has changed while this blog was left in dereliction. I've moved to a better(?) employer. Be in a long distance relationship. I lost my mom. Contracted COVID... twice. Found myself in new hobbies.

As much as I don't want this to be a life update post, I think I don't need any more prompts to write. I wish I've become eloquent enough to convey something. At least...

I've taken up water color painting which helps me a ton. It's soothing and calming to paint something I am currently feeling. Just me quietly working a piece that I don't even have a name for. My collection of paints are growing. I just wish I have more time to paint. Capitalism sucks and I hate the hustle culture. But ya know, money talks...

I like painting weird stuff

I also am in a podcast where we just talk about anything "under the sun, moon, and stars..." It's kept me sane. Cannot claim that I gained popularity but I do enjoy the perks. It's fun reading natal charts and tarot cards. People asking get really really surprised when we talk about something that vaguely relates to their life. Astrology is fun like that. Also please send us sponsors or brand deals so we can stop working our day jobs... 

Do you know mechanical keyboards? Yeah... So I've become obsessed with them... I can confidently build my own custom now. They're just really really expensive. Please give me money so I can build you one.

I really don't know the reason behind this post quite honestly. Ever since my mom passed, things just kind of went weird in our extended family, both paternal and maternal. Grieving sucks. Might also be because of the recent national elections.

Anyways, I guess that's all that I can write for today.


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